What is an SES URL?
SES is an acronym for Search Engine Safe. SES URLs use a modified URL query string, making it appear to be a static URL (ie no url variables). For example, take the following URL:
A possible SES equivilant URL would look like:
That's it, in a nutshell. So how is this done? With a file called sesConverter.cfm, written for and in ColdFusion. sesConverter.cfm was written by Erik Voldengen and Bert Dawson. It can be invoked by CFINCLUDE, CFMODULE, or as a custom tag -- CF_sesConverter. Just drop the following code into the <HEAD> section of your templates:
<cfif isDefined("variables.baseHref")> <cfoutput><base href="#variables.baseHref#"></cfoutput> </cfif>And the following code in your index.cfm or Application.cfm files:
<!--- ses stuff ---> <cfset SESdummyExtension = ".cfm"> <cfset SESrBaseName = "baseHREF"> <cfinclude template="sesConverter.cfm">