2011 Cross Crusdade Grand Opening: Alpenrose

alpenrose3It's on!  Now that we have the first Cross Crusade race under our belts, the cyclocross season is officially in full swing here in Portland.  As is tradition,  the series started off at Alpenrose Dairy.  This is a great venue, and the course is always good and hard.  Today was no exception with a surprisingly heavy feeling course, with a lot of big bumps to inaugurate our backs into cyclocross mode.

I usually have a hard time here because it's the first big race of the season and I'm not really "in shape."   Further, this course requires a lot of "strength" and "conditioning" and "hard work," which means one must be "in shape."   I had an okay race, but nothing exciting.  Overall, I'd say it's a performance worthy of a "meh," but at least I wasn't anywhere near last place.

I reckon I felt better than I did at Barlow last weekend.  I had one minor crash, which hurt the ribs and I (in hindsight) kind of rode a little tenderly after that.  If I can keep the training going, I hope to catch up to a lot of my peers in a few weeks.  Just in time for the muddy races.  Until then, I've got to face the music and go up against a lot of guys who have worked harder and are more prepared than I am.  C'est La Vie.

It was nice to be out there again, to line up with a lot of the same faces I've seen in years past.  The crowds were wonderful.  I heard my name a dozen times every lap.  Totally rad.

Next week:  Ranier High School.  This is another course that requires "cardiovascular conditioning."  I'll probably go anyway.  At least the ridiculously big climb is partially paved and not that bumpy.  Goal:  keep improving, getting stronger and smoother.   I also really need to figure out my remounts.  I've been doing this for a long  time, and I think I've had 2-3 good ones in that time.  Somebody please help me.

Photo courtesy sosvelo

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Ah yes, the barriers. I did a post analyzing myself and Trebon on the same barrier. Maybe there are some insights for you.

# Posted By Derwyn | 10/4/11 10:39 AM
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# Posted By laksjdlakj | 12/14/17 5:01 AM