Time for more EVerLube

I finally ran out of my big batch of home brewed bike lube.  It worked great, so I made another batch.  Here's another run-through:


Start out with a gallon of Odorless Mineral Spirits and a quart of synthetic oil.  The weight of the oil matters not:



Pour out a quart of the mineral spirits and save for later.  Pour in the quart of oil:



You can see here that the mixture needs to be shaken up a bit to combine your two ingredients:



Shake to mix the bottle of lube, and you're done!  Refill all those empty 3oz lube bottles you have lying around.



Put it on thick, spin the pedals about 30 times and then wipe off with a rag.  If you do that before every ride, your chain will stay pretty clean.  The spirits help clean the chain and thin the oil.  This lets the oil get in to the rollers of your chain.  The spirits evaporate, leaving the oil where you want it.  Wipe and go!


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i still find it works best if you apply it after a ride and wipe it off and then the mineral spirits are gone before you ride again...
# Posted By gewilli | 8/23/10 8:28 AM
Yeah, good point. Thanks!
# Posted By erikv | 8/23/10 9:49 AM
Thanks! Gonna make this!
# Posted By Amy V | 7/15/14 12:59 PM