PIR Again

Copy-of-pirjune08 I've been negligent with my blogging and race reporting.  I'd better fix that, eh?

I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the weekly race at PIR, both this week and last:

Raced with the 1/2/3 field.  I don't remember much about it.  I do remember doing a few things with some very fast people, so I was happy about that.  And I think I finished in the top 20, which is a silly way of saying I finished in 20th place.  It's out of the points, so it's hardly different from 50th.  But I had fun and boy did I get a good workout in.

I think I had ridden only once since last Tuesday's PIR, and I was feeling weird on the bike.  I just wanted to ride hard and have fun, and be able to do something aggressive without being laughed at.  So I jumped in to the 3/4 race instead of the 1/2/3 at the last minute.  I guess it went well.

I rode several laps up ahead by myself throughout the race, once on a hotspot lap to get the points.  It was a windy night and it was difficult to stay away, but the pace was so damn slow that I just couldn't handle sitting in for very long.  The pattern seemed to be go slow, sprint like hell, repeat.  Personally, I did not like this at all.  I did what I could to make the race more interesting, especially for me. 

I wanted to win the race in a breakaway, but I could not do it.  In the end, I don't know how I finished, but I didn't win or even get close, so it doesn't really matter.  I had a good time and got a good workout in.  Mission accomplished.

Photo courtesy of Jon Prettyman. Thanks.

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