De Ronde 09!

Edit: The route has been changed slightly.

Golly, I don't know who keeps releasing these mysterious flyers, but looks like De Ronde is back for 2009, with even more ouch than before. 

You want to build character?  There's enough character building on this ride to get a crack whore into heaven*.


* perhaps an overstatement; my apologies to any crack whores in my reading audience.

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Yay! I've been monitoring the Portland cycling web world for this exact announcement. Thank you!
# Posted By Derwyn | 2/26/09 6:55 AM
Already? Time flies!
# Posted By Steven | 2/26/09 7:11 AM
I was just thinking about this today. Looking forward to it. Well, maybe that's overstating. But I'll be there. With 2 water bottles this time.
# Posted By mtmann | 2/27/09 2:47 PM
Brad was telling me that the real Lion of Flanders might attend. Is that correct> or is it just Brad?
# Posted By Candi | 2/28/09 10:36 AM
Everything Brad says is true...right?
# Posted By erikv | 2/28/09 11:11 AM
major w00t!
# Posted By stevef | 3/2/09 1:00 PM
I wish I had an opprtunity to visit that event, it is sure to have been very interesting!
# Posted By farty | 9/17/09 2:06 AM