Pizza Rolls

Pizza night didn't happen last night.  So there I was with all this dough, and not much to do with it.  I decided to experiment.

I took a huge ball of dough and rolled it out into a big rectangle...basically made one huge, thin pizza.  I then started rolling it up, from bottom to top:


I ended up with this:


Which I cut up, arrange in a baking dish, sprinkle with olive oil and bake:


Donna took a batch to a potluck thing she went to, and I handed out the second, larger batch to a couple neighbors.  Everyone liked them, so I guess it's a hit.

It's a lot of dough, though, so I think the grown ups all agree pizza is the better way to go.  The kids, well this would be perfect for the ones who can't sit still long enough to eat dinner, due to excitement of Friday night.

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Eric you better file a patent for those or you know some italian guy will steal it and run with it.
# Posted By Paolo | 8/2/08 10:34 PM
Pizza Rolls!
# Posted By Amy | 8/3/08 2:21 AM
Pizza Sushi!
# Posted By hugh | 8/4/08 3:37 PM