Crazy Toilet

We have a crazy toilet.  When you flush it, it goes WOOOSH like you'd hear in an airplane toilet or something.  My kids were afraid to use it for about a month.  It took another month for my 5 year old to actually flush.

Anyway, it just started acting up.  The water would never turn off after it was flushed, rendering it fairly useless.  Toilets are generally pretty simple.  You just open the tank, jiggle something around, and voila - problem solved.

Well, I opened the tank, and here's what I saw:


Wha?  It's a Gerberit 150-403 Pressure Assist Toilet.  Nothing to jiggle, nothing looks broken, nothing looks familiar.

But wait, this toilet comes with free technical support!  I called the toll free number, and a toilet tech told me exactly what I needed to do (lubricate big o-ring gasket in flush valve with plumbers grease), and it's working perfectly.  Cool!

I like my toilet.

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