Poprad Restoration - removing the braze-ons

IMG_4565Since I'm converting this bike to a single speed, there's no need to have any shifter related braze-ons.  I could have lived with the cable guides, but those down tube shifter cable stops had to go!  Really, those things could poke your eye out.

Since the stops are just brazed onto the frame, I thought I could gently heat them up and pop them off with a big pair of pliers.  I tried this for a few minutes, but chickened out.  Instead, I called upon my friends Mr. Dremel, Mr. Hacksaw, and of course Mr. File.  Didn't take long at all.

It'd be nice to add some track ends instead of the vertical dropouts, but this probably marks the end to the "metal work" I'll be doing with this project.

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Sweet--so we know in advance exactly where this frame will fail.
# Posted By Richard | 1/3/08 3:43 PM
Ahhh, what harm is a little filing going to do? I didn't even touch the tubing, just the brazed on stuff. I can do it to your new Cervelo, if you'd like.
# Posted By erikv | 1/3/08 3:49 PM
Heating should have worked fine. If not I would have just taken it to Sellwood!
# Posted By Steven | 1/3/08 5:41 PM
I chickened out with the heating. Filing was pretty fun, though.
# Posted By erikv | 1/3/08 6:03 PM
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