Quick Spoke Replacement

Man, I've been breaking a lot of spokes lately on my fixed gear's rear wheel.  It's using some poor quality 14g spokes, and it serves me right for buying a pre-built wheel instead of building it up myself.  Broken spokes are no big deal to fix, so I thought I'd show how easy it can be.

Spokes almost always break at the elbow bend, which makes replacement pretty easy.  Here's what I did, and it took about five minutes to get the spoke replaced and wheel trued up:

First of all, you can usually make the fix without removing the tire.  Check the spoke nipple for cracks or rounded edges.  If it's okay, keep it! 

Get a spoke of the same size.  If you don't have a stash of spokes in your garage, they're very cheap at your local bike shop.

I just unscrewed the nipple by hand, which is sometimes doable when they break.  You can bend the broken spoke 90 degress to hold on to, to ensure it doesn't spin as you loosen.  The nipple is a nut, and the spoke is a bolt...lefty loosey:


You should put a drop of lube in the nipple.  Very important.  Always do this:


Spokes alternate in/out of the hub, so check the neighbors of the missing spoke, and do the opposite.  Here, I'm inserting the spoke in towards the flange.  And hey, It's okay to bend spokes!  Don't worry, you can't hurt them.  I was too lazy to remove my cog (this is a fixie wheel) so I just bent the spoke to pull over it.  You can also use pliers, but be careful with the spoke threads:


Now you'll need to really bend the spoke to get it where it needs to go.  Here, you may be able to see I need to fish it between to intersecting spokes on the opposite side of the wheel.  No biggie, spokes can bend quite a bit, as you can see.  It will be obvious where the spoke goes (the only nipple without a spoke in it).  Make sure you follow the same overlap pattern, too.  I went under two spokes, and over the last.  It's really important.  Check the neighboring spokes pointing in the same direction as the one you're replacing for the overlap pattern.


Now I screw on the nipple by hand for a bit.  It's easy, since we oiled it:


Finish up with a spoke wrench:


And then true the wheel up.  I used a stand, but you can also just put the wheel back on your bike and use the brakes or frame as a point of reference, too.  Obviously, tightening the spokes that go to the left side of the hub will pull the wheel to the left, and spokes going to the ride side of the hub will pull the wheel to the right.

See?  Easy Cheesy.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
I've been breaking spokes lately too and my wheel is handbuilt (though not by me as I don't have that kind of skillz.)

I just replaced a spoke the other day but had to take of my fixed cog (what a pain). I couldn't get the spoke out with it (mine
severed at the nipple)

Good tutorial.
# Posted By Dan Porter | 1/14/08 3:35 PM
# Posted By john | 1/14/08 4:31 PM
Oh yeah, good point. I don't usually do it when I replace a single spoke, but I always stress relieve wheels I build. I do it by squeezing parallel pairs of spokes together...never done it your way. And certainly don't wear gloves, as the pain builds character. I'll have to do a wheel building post some time soon for this kind of thing.
# Posted By erikv | 1/14/08 4:35 PM
Dan, I've never seen a spoke break at the nipple...that's just weird! Did the spoke break, or was it by chance an aluminum nipple that failed? I never use those.
# Posted By erikv | 1/14/08 4:36 PM
It sheared off at the nipple (right on the threads)... Probably from all my hollywood style track slides. ;)

Maybe you could do a 'live' (as opposed to online) seminar on wheel building... I'm pretty confident on most bike tasks. Wheel building & headset
removal & replacement (I don't have the tools for the latter) are not high on my list...
# Posted By Dan Porter | 1/14/08 5:12 PM
Okay, the seminar will take place in a few weeks in my bike garage ;)
# Posted By erikv | 1/14/08 5:15 PM
# Posted By gewilli | 1/15/08 6:43 AM
# Posted By erikv | 1/15/08 7:23 AM
Man, I remember reading this article in 2008. I encountered this same problem and I was so glad that Erik here provided me with the solution for my problem.
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