Trebon's crash at nats

Everyone in the cyclocross blogosphere has posted Trebon's crash at nationals.  Some folks just include the movie, others provide an analysis.

Well, someone on the mtbr forums went all out:

Tree gets whacked

My analysis:  Ouch.

What a bummer to crash out of the national championship in such a fluke, dare I say preventable accident.  Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, but how about some hay bails or something to separate those lanes?  Something to deflect a wheel and put a foot down on if needed.

Split lanes like this are really fun for spectators and racers alike.  I think it's definitely okay on a course where you can actually steer, but throw in big sticky ruts like they had in KC and things get unsafe.  Hay bails, man.  Hay bails would work well.

Another example - state champs in Bend a few years back.  We came out of the sandy dirt, t-bone a paved road with the course split right down the middle (by cones).  We had to do a 90 degree left turn up the hill, and if you slid in the sand/gravel (tracked onto the road from the sandy dirt we rode through), you'd go out into the oncoming traffic lane (fast downhill) and get smacked.  I crashed there twice, and almost got DQd for drifting into the opposite lane.  The official said they were concerned with rider safety, so I had to be penalized.  In the end, they dropped me back 2 minutes or something instead.  Sha.

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Rider safety eh? Officials approve the race courses. I'd agree in both cases more could have been done. However, they were good about removing the barriers when things got dicey at nats.
# Posted By Steven | 12/20/07 6:12 AM
Yeah, that's true. Wasn't that due to participant concern? That's what I read, anyway. Must have been quite the experience being there!
# Posted By erikv | 12/20/07 7:55 AM