Cyclocross at Hornings Hideout - Hate it

horningsHideout07I just got back from a cyclocross race at Hornings Hideout.  I had a bad race there last year, and almost as bad this year as well.

Sure, I had troubles.   I crashed while trying to pass my b uddy John Wilson on the inside, but there was no bike damage (wish I could say the same about my hip).   A little later, I hit a big bump midway through a sharp turn, caught some air, and almost crashed again.  I somehow stayed up, but I lost a lot of air in the rear tire from the big hit.  I eventually went to the pit and grabbed my spare bike, but I rolled the rear tubular on it after about three minutes. While I could still ride it, I had to ride a lap with it rubbing against my frame.  I decided to switch back to the "A" bike with the almost-flat tire for the rest of the race.

Aside from the troubles, I just got hammered by this course. It's so hard.  Lots of climbing, lots of bumpy ground, and, most importantly, no fast flat sections.  This was a really good Mt. Bike race course, but a horrible cyclocross course.  If they were all like this, I doubt I'd race 'cross at all.  It's good the promoters give a little something for everyone throughout the season, but I think next year I'll just go on a long training ride instead.

I heard lots of screams again on the race course.  Thank you very much for that! You kept me from calling it a day on more than one occasion.

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dang right it was hard. I had hoped to use the meadow areas to make some gains, but it was so freaking bumpy! It was like Brad had dumped cluster bombs on the field.

Instead, the little uphill sections were my friend... I passed many people on those because I was riding up them when many M50s were dismounting.

No great result for me. But I kept it upright! I would have like to see you race, Erik. But I was done and home by 11:30.
# Posted By Hugh | 10/14/07 6:25 PM
# Posted By Francis | 10/14/07 10:00 PM
# Posted By John Wilson | 10/15/07 6:33 AM
Thanks for the comments. I'm not bummed about Hornings, I just really dislike the course. Like I said, something for everyone. It's all good fun.

See y'all at Barton.
# Posted By erikv | 10/15/07 9:23 AM
Francis, my ride is a Redline... and it's not so trick. I built it up with a bunch of 10-year-old road parts. I have not weighed it but I wouldn't be surprised if it is 23lbs light.

At Krugers I rode with a 53 ring the whole time. Recently I upgraded to an Ultegra compact. At Horning's I used both my 34 (uphills) and 46 (downhill and meadow) rings with a 13/23 cogset.
# Posted By Hugh | 10/16/07 8:30 PM